Walchem WBL / WCM Boiler Controllers

Walchem WBL / WCM Boiler Controllers

Walchem WBL/WCM Boiler Controllers

Ever worry about those nasty chemicals that you're heating up leaking into the condensate lines and eating up your boiler? Worrying never helped anything, but installation of a condensate monitor will! The WCM Series controller will keep a watchful eye on the conductivity of the condensate and divert the flow away from your boiler if it gets too high. A small price to pay for peace of mind!

Our WCM Series control the conductivity of a boiler's condensate and the WDC Series can control the condensate of two boilers (within 500 ft.). All of Walchem's Boiler Water and Condensate Monitors are micro-processor-based with an easy-to-use menu format for programming. UL/SA/CE certified. 

  • Walchem offers four different Boiler Water Controllers and Condensate Monitors. The WBL Series controls conductivity blowdown/chemical feed for one boiler and the WDB Series controls two boilers within 500 feet of each other.

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